Projects & Blogs

What have we been doing?

SFW- Day 5 & 6.

So I definitely didn’t forget to write my blog yesterday, I just thought I’d savour all the excitement for today. Those who wait and all, anyway…

These past couple of days I have been more or less focusing my attention on “Motion”. The reason I have been using this software so much lately, is because I had never used it before this process. I already had some basic understanding  of software such as Final Cut and am fairly confident in using it, this is why I wanted to get to grips with Motion before we start doing work for clients, I can then use both of these programmes together to create a better final piece for a client.

I have been reading a book on motion –
(Spencer, Mark. Motion 5. Berkley, CA: Peachpit Press, 2012. Print.)
I’ve found this book very useful as it sets tasks to complete, that allows you to explore many of the skills you would need to create a variety of projects.  The two projects I completed today was transforming a short ski video, this helped me learn about different effects, colouring and blend modes as well as how to animate texts in real time playback – many skills that will help me with future projects.

The second task I completed in motion, by using the book was “Lesson two- Build a composite” this showed me how to create a textured background for a documentary intro. Again, this will definitely be a valuable skill for me when completing future projects it also helped me get to grips even more with the layout of Motion, meaning I can complete work faster by knowing my way around.

Lesson 2- building a composite

Lesson 2- building a composite

I surprised myself at what I achieved in motion when following the simple steps shown in the book, It has most definitely improved my confidence when using this software. I will continue to complete tasks from this book, as I get better at using this software.

I am very much looking forward to meeting with clients next week, so I can put what I have learnt so far into action. Week two was great! 🙂

About Nicola Thomas

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