Projects & Blogs

What have we been doing?

Glasfryn Park

Yesterday was a really good day out in Glasfryn park, we all went out to do some filming to make a promo video for them. First we were filming 3 guys who work at the park doing wake boarding, we were using two Gopros as well. I was at the platform as close as I could get to get a few shots of them doing skills like jumps. We also went bowling and some filming was done their. I also did some filming for the archery doing some over shoulder shots and videoing from behind. Then we filmed quod biking, I was going to give it a go but I couldn’t control the bike so I ended up filming, got some good shots of them raving the bikes and starting off. I then went to do some filming of the Go karts, I was trying to include some tires into the shot as it gave more of feel to the filming.

It was a really good day out and we all got a lot of footage that will be able to use to create their prom video.

About Catrin Davies

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